This 365 day project features photos that include words (actual or implied),
text, books,
writing, letters and numbers, signs, libraries, and.... well, you get the idea.


day 154 of 365

My biggest fan. (And its little fan friends).

My mother was clearing out her attic, and since she got air conditioning she has no need for multiple fans. So they are coming to live at our house. Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer here on Cape Cod, so they'll all be put to good use soon.

Thanks Mom!


  1. Cute. I am not sure how I stumbled upon your blog but here I am. I could just curl up in your other blog with a cup of tea and stay awhile. I too love reading, photography, libraries of all sizes, tea, and the cape. I frew up in CT and spent summers in Cape Ann, Rhode Island, and Martha's Vineyard. Thank you for sharing.

  2. hahah this is hilarious. At this point I am hoping we actually need a fan this year with the lame cool weather we've been having.

    Funny how you wish to need one, but fast forward a month when you're lying in bed sweating - trying to sleep; sticking to the sheets, 4 fans from all directions blowing more heat it seems, you don't remember wishing to need one.
