This 365 day project features photos that include words (actual or implied),
text, books,
writing, letters and numbers, signs, libraries, and.... well, you get the idea.


day 302 of 365

I've strayed just a little off-theme in my daily photos lately -- but as the blog header says, the theme is to embrace words, actual or implied.  And way back last January, I set up some rules for my 365 project, and one of them was: Thou must stick to the theme, OR twist it to thy liking.  So, in that case I've succeeded. 

But today I've got not only words, but a sign, and books! Three of my favorite thingsAnd now I'm back on track, and all is right with the world.

1 comment:

  1. It has been so enjoyable to see your images, off-theme or not. It takes commitment to do this project...and your work speaks volumes.
