This 365 day project features photos that include words (actual or implied),
text, books,
writing, letters and numbers, signs, libraries, and.... well, you get the idea.


day 2 of 365

It's about 1 hour and 15 minutes away from midnight on December 31 of 2009. The year is about to finish here in our little corner of the world, and a whole fresh new year is about to begin. In my head I've conjured up a list of potential accomplishments for the year ahead. I want to: Learn. Go places. See the world. Love. Connect. Do things I've never done before. Listen. Finish what I start. Conquer a fear. Clear my head. Be well.

I wish all of that for all of you, and so much more. Let's go!

1 comment:

  1. I like your photo a day blog! I'm adding this to my reader!! With only two photos, I can tell that I'm going to enjoy watching your daily creations being added this year!

    O and what a great idea for the photo to finish up 2009!!
